Profile Software Engineering Laboratory's Lab

The Software Engineering Laboratory (Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak), which was later known as the RPL Lab, has officially operated since August 2015. The RPL Lab has been used for Database (DB Design and Programming) and Java (Fundamental and Programming) training, which is a collaboration between the Department of Information Technology, State Polytechnic of Jember, and Oracle Academy Indonesia. The training was attended by 42 participants including lecturers from several universities in the East Java region.

This laboratory has been used for practicum activities for students of the Information Technology Department from the Informatics Management (Associate Degree/Diploma 3), Computer Engineering (Associate Degree/Diploma 3), and Informatics Engineering (Bachelor’s Degree/Diploma 4) study programs. In particular, the RPL Lab is intended to support activities in the field of programming and software design. The RPL Lab contains 36 computers for students and 1 computer for lecturers.

Head of Lab
Hermawan Arief Putranto, ST, MT

Teknisi Software Engineering Laboratory
Novianto Hadi Raharjo, A.Md